Currently there are no services available for maintaining your vineyard.

There are plans to offer these services in the future.

Much of the equipment can be shared, as it can add up in cost when you first dabble into growing your own grapes and winemaking. An association or club is the way to get started to share in workload, hands on experience and practice, education and networking.


Vineyard Management Cycle

January - February


* Soil sample anaysis
* Amend Soil as needed
* Trellis and drip system repairs
* Pruning the dormant vines for bud renewal


May - June

* Train vines and thin

* Spray for powdery mildew

* Check sugar, acid and ph levels

* Spray for glassy wing sharpshooter

* Monitor for insects, rhodents and animals

* Monitor irrigation & adjust according to shoot development


September - October


* Continue to check sugar, acid, and ph levels

* Continue to monitor irrigation

* Remove Netting

* Harvest Grapes

March - April


* Pre-Harvest ordering of equipment and supplies

* Apply post-emergent and pre-emergent

* Review drip system and perform repairs 

* Weed Contrrol 


July - August

* Install Netting

* Spray for powdery mildew

* Continue to train vines and thin

* Check sugar, acid and ph levels

* Monitor for insects, rhodents and animals

* Monitor irrigation & adjust according to shoot development